CEATL Press release 30th of September 2012

Origami Videography wins the first “Spot the Translator” International contest for video artists organized by CEATL

CEATL, the European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations (www.ceatl.eu), asked video artists to help make literary translators visible and organized the first Spot The Translator, international contest encouraging video artists to create sparky and clever short films reflecting the existence and importance of literary translators, their challenges, and their role in literature. The prize for the winner, which will be awarded on the International Translation Day, the 30th of September, is 1.000 euros.

Six videos entered the contest, from five different countries, all of them valuable for their own reasons. Some were suggestive and poetical, some were witty and funny, all of them portrayed what literary translators do in a unique way. The decision was not easy, but the jury decided to grant the first prize to Origami Videography (Gianpiero Mendini and Stefania Da Pont) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmkiDwzVY8w&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 because of the simplicity and clarity of the message: texts do not translate themselves.

The jury decided another video deserved to be accredited a second prize: “Literary translation is a tough job, but someone has to do it” by Erlantz Bidebost and his team http://vimeo.com/48692107. It talks about how hard literary translation is from a comical point of view.

CEATL Press release 30th of September 2012 (pdf)

